Everything you need to know about the profession of automation technician

In a world where robotics is taking over industries, ensuring the proper functioning of equipment is a major challenge. To ensure continuity of industrial production activities, companies can rely on teams of maintenance experts to control, maintain or repair the machines and programs deployed.
Do programming languages and industrial control hold no secrets for you? Discover with Talentech the missions and working conditions of the automatician profession in Quebec.
What are the missions of an automation specialist?
The automation engineer, automation technician or maintenance technician is an expert in the design, installation and maintenance of automatons and robotized systems. He or she carries out three main missions.
Design and programming
As an expert in automation, the automation engineer designs and develops PLCs. He/she analyzes and establishes specifications in accordance with the customer's needs while defining the materials and strategies to be deployed. He also prepares the programming of the automatons and writes the operating instructions.
The automation specialist is responsible for commissioning the PLCs. To ensure that this step is carried out correctly, he designs technical validation tests that assist him in the installation and final adjustments.
Maintenance intervention
Before any repair, cleaning or replacement of robotic devices, the automation technician identifies the type of automatons and takes control of the automation interface dedicated to its control.
Then, he identifies anomalies or problems related to the operation of the robot by checking the general state of the robot solution such as wear and tear or cleanliness, as well as by detecting failures with the help of measuring devices.
Finally, it draws up an assessment of the actions to be carried out for a rapid rehabilitation.
The automation specialist also ensures the regular maintenance of automated components and equipment to prevent a possible new failure.
Exercise conditions and skills of the automation specialist
Required qualities
In addition to solid skills in electrical engineering, mechanics, hydraulics or automation, depending on the company, the automation specialist must have a great appetite for new technologies. A keen analyst, this automation expert must accept the constraints associated with his or her position, be in good physical condition and have a good team spirit.
Training required
To become a maintenance agent in automation, the BAC level is sufficient. The Bac pro PLP (Production Line Pilot) is an example of a suitable diploma.
A BAC+2 such as a DUT in Industrial Engineering and Maintenance will lead the candidate to executive tasks or installation of automated systems. In Quebec, for this level of study, the equivalence is a DEC Technique or a DEC préuniversitaire mixed with a Bachelor's degree.
Finally, a BAC+5 level such as an engineering degree will be essential for the design of automata. In Quebec, the number of years of study to obtain the title of engineer is about the same as in France, but the denominations are different, for example: master in industrial automation.
Everything you need to know about diploma equivalence between France and Quebec
Salary of the automatician
An automation technician in Canada can expect a minimum salary of $55,000 CAD and can grow very quickly. Salary can vary depending on the company and years of experience.
What are the career opportunities?
The automation engineer can evolve towards a project manager position. They can also move towards a management position such as team leader or plant manager or move towards robotics engineering.
Who employs automation specialists?
Automation specialists can work in the following areas:
- In the factory;
- At an integrator or a design office to design projects;
- At a manufacturer of electrical or electronic equipment.
In 2017, Canada launched an artificial intelligence strategy to anchor its future industrial processes with more systematic robotization. Talentech connects you to automation jobs in a country that is definitely looking to the future. Discover our job offers in automation in Canada.