Equivalence of studies between Quebec and France
With different university systems, similar degree titles and different years of study, finding the equivalence between French and Quebec studies can quickly become a headache. Find out with this article what the equivalences are between the two university systems.
Are French diplomas recognized in Quebec?
In Quebec, French diplomas are recognized by the France-Quebec agreement which agrees on the mutual recognition of professional qualifications. This alliance allows French residents with training and/or a permit to practice a profession or trade regulated in France to be recognized for their skills to work in Quebec. This agreement does not change the immigration rules in force, people of French nationality wishing to immigrate to Quebec are subject to the same rules. Therefore, they must complete the necessary immigration formalities to obtain a residence permit in due form.
The Mutual Recognition Arrangements for Professional Qualifications (MRAs) determine the conditions for obtaining a permit to practice in Quebec. These agreements cover the 81 recognized professions, some MRAs offer adaptation or refresher courses that may be required for licensure.
To learn more about the conditions for obtaining a permit to practice and the organization in charge, consult the following link: recognized trades in Quebec.
Note that legally, there is no equivalence between French and Quebec diplomas. As a general rule, companies will rarely ask you to have your diplomas and training recognized. Even if the equivalencies have no legal value, it is important to understand them in order to enhance your application and succeed in your expatriation to Quebec.
Equivalence of studies between France and Quebec
Below is a detailed explanation of the equivalence of studies between France and Quebec:

In France, the BTS is awarded by an educational establishment or training center, whereas the DUT/BUT is a diploma awarded by the university. In addition, the DUT usually follows an uninterrupted course, whereas the BTS is often available as a sandwich course. Alternance is a training system that combines theoretical studies in a school or training center with periods of work experience in a company. In Quebec, the DEC is obtained at college level, while the Baccalauréat is obtained after 3 years of university study. Be careful not to confuse the Baccalauréat in Quebec, obtained after 16 years of study, with the Baccalauréat in France, obtained after 12 years of study.
At university level, we note that the levels of study do not correspond exactly, since university studies begin a year earlier in France. For example, a Master's degree in France and a Maitrise in Quebec are both obtained after 5 years of continuous university study. However, the Master's degree (in France) is obtained in the 17th year of study, while the Maitrise is obtained in the 18th year of study in Quebec. Is a Maitrise in Quebec equivalent to a Master's in France? Or is a DEC technique in Quebec equivalent to a BTS in France?
It's important to note that the term "equivalence of diplomas" is often used incorrectly. As mentioned earlier, there is no direct legal recognition between a diploma obtained in France and one obtained in Canada. Rather than using the term "equivalence", it is preferable to speak of "correspondence" or "comparative evaluation" between a Canadian and a French diploma.
You can request a comparative evaluation of your studies from the MIFI (Ministère de l'Immigration, de la Francisation et de l'Intégration). Please note, however, that this is not mandatory for the creation of your Canadian immigration file or your entry into Canada. The document issued to you does not represent any official equivalence of study, but only information provided by experts for information purposes.
The equivalence of engineering degrees
In Quebec, an engineer is recognized as such when he or she has the title of engineer and is registered with the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec, the institution in charge of supervising the practice of engineers. This is the reason why, in certain engineering fields, it is mandatory to obtain an equivalence of diploma between France and Quebec if you wish to be recognized as an engineer. In order to obtain the right to practice as an engineer, you must take steps with the OIQ.
It is possible to benefit from the Arrangement on Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications (ARM) between the OIQ and the CTI (Commission des titres d'ingénieur) in France.
For more information: http: //www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/fr/biq/paris/entente-france-quebec/
In addition, a diploma equivalence may be requested if the diploma was awarded by a university-level educational institution outside Quebec. To find out more about how to become a recognized engineer in Quebec, visit the OIQ website.
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>> Find out also how to obtain your young professional license in 10 steps.