Quebec's health care system: knowing the basics before moving abroad
Health is essential! In Quebec, we have many hospitals and clinics where you can get quality care. If you are thinking of moving to Quebec soon, find out the basics of the Quebec health care system.
How does the Quebec health care system work?
The first thing to know is that in Canada, all residents have access to hospital and medical services at no cost. Each province is then responsible for administering its own health plan and health insurance.
This means that if you change provinces during your stay, you will need to register with the health care system in your new province.
Let's start with an introduction to Medicare and Pharmacare.
What is health insurance in Quebec?
The Quebec health insurance plan provides eligible individuals with a number of basic health services. The health care services generally covered by the public plan are medical, dental, ophthalmological and pharmaceutical services.
Public health insurance
In Quebec, the equivalent of the French Sécurité Sociale is the Régie de l'Assurance Maladie du Québec, or RAMQ. It is this institution that manages the public insurance of Quebecers concerning health insurance and drug insurance.

How to benefit from RAMQ health insurance?
To benefit from this program, you must first register with the plan and then present your health insurance card to the various health professionals you consult.
Who is eligible for the RAMQ health insurance plan?
In addition to Quebec citizens and permanent residents, some international students and workers are also eligible for RAMQ coverage.
Among others, holders of closed permits, such as the Young Professionals permit, can benefit from the existing agreement between France and Quebec to be covered by the RAMQ during their stay.
The social security agreement is also valid for other European countries such as Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Romania and Sweden.
For more details, visit the RAMQ website.
Good to know!
The registration process can take up to 3 months if your country does not have a social security agreement with Canada. It is therefore suggested that you take out private insurance during this time to avoid any inconvenience.
Private health insurance in Quebec
Private insurance is generally an excellent benefit to attract talent.
You can check to see if your employer offers a drug plan in the form ofgroup insurance oremployee benefits, which is equivalent to the mutual insurance or company insurance in France.
Otherwise, if you are not eligible for RAMQ and your employer does not offer group insurance, or if you need specific specialized care that is not covered, you should either :
- Pay for your own care
- Enrolling in private insurance
For example, Working Holiday Permits (WHP) do not qualify for this agreement, as they are open permits.
Note that if you come to work in Canada through the International Experience Canada Program (IEC), you will need a valid health insurance, or you will be refused at customs.
Get more information on this subject in our blog post dedicated to insurance.

Drug coverage
In Quebec, every resident must be covered by a public (RAMQ) or private health insurance plan. Please note that if you are eligible for private insurance through your employer, you must take it.
However, some care is not covered by the RAMQ, such as consultations in private clinics, dental and optical care, alternative medicine (homeopathy, dietician, etc.) and consultations with doctors who do not accept the RAMQ.
Under the International Experience Canada Program, it is not mandatory to prove that you are covered by a drug plan.
How much does RAMQ drug coverage cost?
The price of drug insurance in Quebec is very affordable. It is calculated on two levels:
- On your income tax return, in the form of a maximum annual premium of $710.
- At the pharmacy, in the form of a monthly deductible of $22.25 for the 2021-2022 year.
Afterwards, you will only pay 35% of the price of your medication.
Visit the RAMQ website for more information.
Other health system resources in Quebec
Whether you are experiencing a minor migraine or an emergency situation, there are many resources in Quebec that can be reached easily and quickly.
Call 911 for major emergencies
For major emergencies, dial 9-1-1 on a telephone line. You will then be immediately connected to ambulance, police and fire departments. The service is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can also go to a hospital emergency room yourself, if you can.
The Info-Santé line at 811 for minor health problems
Also open at all times, the Info-Santé service is a free telephone consultation service that puts you in touch with a nurse. She will assess your situation and can make recommendations about your health problem. Simply dial 8-1-1 on a telephone line to access this service.
Pharmacies also offer a professional medical consultation service. By introducing you and detailing your health problem, a pharmacist can give you advice on pain relief, refer you to an over-the-counter medication and even prescribe a drug in some cases.
CLSCs and walk-in clinics
Local Community Service Centres, commonly known as CLSCs, offer routine health and social services, generally covered by the RAMQ. With or without an appointment, you can consult a professional free of charge.
You can access a vast directory on Bonjour-Santé.
So, the Quebec health care system is well established!
The Quebec health care system is known to be good, but it differs from that of its American neighbor in that it is very affordable.
We hope that this article has helped you understand the Quebec health care system, health insurance and drug insurance.
We would also like to remind you that it is essential to take out solid health insurance before leaving for Canada. Without it, your medical expenses could be very high and you could be refused at the border.
In this regard, here is our complete article on choosing the right insurance with an EIC permit.