Talentech in the "Eye of the Dragon
On May 25th, Talentech participated in the 11th season of the show "Dans l'œil du dragon" broadcasted on Radio-Canada. During their participation, the two leaders presented the issues of immigration for Quebec.
Interview with Gabriel Lajeunesse, co-founder of Talentech.
"First of all, we would like to thank all the dragons for their good comments and their enthusiasm during our visit... So, thanks to Christiane Germain, Nicolas Duvernois, Georges Karam, Isabelle Chevalier and Marie-Josée Richer."

Why did you decide to participate in the program "Dans l'oeil du dragon"?
"At Talentech, our mission is to accelerate the modernization of companies by facilitating the acquisition of international talent. Vincent (co-founder of Talentech) and I have always been fans of the show. We decided to participate for the funding, but also to raise awareness about the impacts of the labor crisis on their standard of living."
During your TV appearance, you mentioned the problem of the aging population, can you tell us more about it?
"For us, it's very simple: an ageing population = an impoverished population. Without us realizing it, the labor crisis is gradually impoverishing us all. The aging of the population is an invisible evil, since the working population finances the system for the non-working population through taxes. By 2030, there will be 1.4 million jobs to fill in Quebec, equivalent to the active population of the city of Montreal.
Imagine if the entire working population of the city of Montreal stopped working from one day to the next.
If nothing changes between now and 2030, the taxes collected by the State will be insufficient for the needs of the population. How do you fund social systems with 1.4 million fewer taxpayers? How do we fund the health care system with an aging population?"
So, what do you think is the solution to this problem?
"The sustainable solution: raising productivity and immigration thresholds".
"As mentioned during our appearance on the show, the only two sustainable solutions to counter the effects of an aging population are immigration and business modernization."
Immigration: The Government of Canada plans to welcome 432,000 immigrants by 2022. Quebec is aiming for a target of 50,000 immigrants per year, or 12% of the Canadian population, while Quebec represents 23%. This is almost half of what we should receive in relation to the size of our population! At the current rate of 50,000 immigrants per year, we would have to triple the immigration thresholds to replace 1.4 million taxpayers by 2030.
Automation: We must modernize, automate and robotize businesses to reduce our dependence on labor.In Quebec, the rate of automation of companies is lower than in other industrialized countries. We have an automation rate of 25% while the United States is at 55% and Germany at 75%. Companies have been slow to invest, we must quickly catch up to reduce our dependence on unskilled labor and remain competitive in a globalized market."
How do you see the future for Talentech?
"Since the beginning of our activities, we are proud to have accompanied a hundred experts in automation and industrial robotics in Quebec. For the future, we wish to start a study office abroad in order to reduce project costs and increase the return on investment of automation projects in Quebec. We also want to increase the recruitment of talent in European countries with a strong industrial fabric."
To discover or review our appearance in the show "Dans l'œil du dragon" follow the link: https: //ici.radio-canada.ca/tele/dans-l-oeil-du-dragon/site/segments/chronique/402332/dragon-nicolas-duvernois-isabele-chevalier-christiane-germain-marie-josee-richer-georges-karam-david-cote